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Welcome Parents and Students! August 14, 2018 - Fall Semester



Homework August 14: All Classes

-Signatures on Syllabus and Classroom Plan


Syllabus: AP Lang. is here. Advanced Sheltered ELD is below.



AP English Language and Composition


Teacher: Ms. Shipp

               Roybal Learning Center (213-580-6400)


WEBSITE: EnglishTeachShipp.EducatorPages.com (DAILY H/W & C/W POSTINGS) / Email: als5375@lausd.net


Class Textbooks: Writing America: Language and Composition in Context

                             Supplementary texts to be added.


This writing course for high school juniors and seniors is taught as a replication of a basic college freshman composition class.  This course reflects the goals stated in the College Board Course Description for AP English Language and Composition 2014 in requiring students to read critically and analytically in a variety of genres and to develop skills of analysis, exposition, argument, and synthesis in rhetorical practice.  Students will have the opportunity to read nonfiction essays, short fiction pieces, and poetry from a variety of time periods.  The primary focus of our studies will be on American writing, and British writing will be included as well.


Students will engage in research and discussion with the goal of synthesizing information and entering into a written, visual and oral discussion on a controversial topic of contemporary interest.  Through reading and writing, students will learn and incorporate terminology pertinent to the world of rhetoric including methods of rhetorical analysis and argument.


Guidelines for Success


  1.  Be responsible
  2. Always try.
  3. Do your best.
  4. Work positively with others.
  5. Treat everyone with respect (including yourself).



Report Cards: Report Cards will be calculated using the following weights: Homework 20%, Essays/Journals 35%, Class work 35%, Quizzes/Tests 10% = Total of 100%



Required Materials:

  1. 3-Ring Notebook: (English Section and clean paper.  The notebook must be neat and kept in order for notebook checks.)
  2. Class Portfolio (the portfolio must be kept in order)
  3. Pens/pencils.


Recommended Materials:

  1. English Dictionary (phone app)
  2. Thesaurus (phone app)
  3. MLA Handbook


Major Activities:

(Common Core Standards)

Reading: Informational Text, RI.11-12.1 through RI.11-12.10

Writing, W.11-12.1 through W.11-12.10

Speaking and Listening SL 11-12.1 through SL.11-12.6

Language L.11-12.1 through L.11-12.6




Planned Units:

Week #1- Exposition and Argumentation

  • Understanding Critical Reading and Rhetoric:  Introduction to class, Class Rules, and the date and format of the AP Test in May.  Students will take a sample of the Multiple-Choice section of the AP English Language and Composition Examination in the first week of school in order for students to have an idea of where they are headed and to give the teacher a beginning score from which to base future growth for individual students.


Week #2

  •  Students will be introduced to a short overview of the history of classical Greek and Roman Rhetoric. Intro to the Assertion Journal to defend, challenge, or qualify an argument.


Weeks #3-5

  •  Intro to Writer’s Journal: reflections on self as a writer


  •  Textbook Overview, p. 3-7 (Define self as reader/writer in family context. Genre (p. 29-42). Rhetoric (p. 49-54). Syntax (p. 149-157). Students will be introduced to or further examine why we engage in activities such as close reading, annotation, and rhetorical analysis.  Students will read essays by American writers and write a series of Analytical Essays and In-Class Timed Essays.


What is Close Reading?

              Students will write to an adjusted prompt from a former AP English Language Exam.



Rationale: to acquaint students with the degree of rigor of reading and writing skills required in this class. Students have the opportunity to evaluate their own ethical standards and articulate them in the context of Greek philosophers recognized as influencers of Western philosophical thought.  Students learn to craft autobiography through several drafts of peer editing and recognize rhetorical strategies of autobiography. 



Introduction to Rhetoric Journal:

             Students will compile a list weekly with common AP terms.  A typical list might include: tone, syntax, diction, figurative language, rhetorical strategies, etc.


Rationale:   Students will possess a familiar reference to terms common in analysis, argument, and synthesis.  The repetitive use of these cards and terms will demystify these terms and build confidence in how to use them in close reading and writing.


Introduction to Rhetorical Verbs

                  Students will receive an alphabetical list of AP-level verbs found in reading and used in writingStudents will keep this list in their notebooks and bring it to class daily.  These words will be incorporated into class activities including essay writing so that students are familiar with at least 50% of the terms.


Rationale:    Students will be exposed to basic, college-level vocabulary so they become familiar with the terms and confident in using them.


Introduction of Expert-Project Friday: Elements of Argument, Synthesis, and Exposition


-Students will be given 2-3 weeks to select a controversial topic that they will research for the year


-After students have chosen their topics, every Friday students will bring to class an article about their topic from a different source (newspapers, journals, tweets, blogs) with an Expert-Project form attached containing the author’s name, bibliography, and other specified information.   Each student will orally give a new fact about their topic that they discovered in the article.  At least one of the articles must be a visual or graphic.  But students may have no more than 3 visuals for their Expert-Project Friday.  Also the articles must represent different sides of the controversy and be taken from resources appropriate to college level research.


-Every 3 to 4 weeks, students will present an “Infomercial” on their topics.  In the first infomercial they will explain their topic.  In the 2ndt infomercial they will take a stand and make an argument for one side of the topic.  In the 3rd infomercial they will argue the opposing side.  Their peers will respond with a 3-minute question and answer period to evaluate the persuasiveness of the argument.


-Each infomercial will be graded according to a rubric.


-In the spring, students will write a sample synthesis essay on a topic from the College Board.


-After having written and scored this essay, students will create their own synthesis prompts using the texts gathered through Expert-Project research.  Students will select the best 3 prompts and the class will write synthesis essays from these prompts.


-Students may not write to their own prompts.

-After the AP Exam, students will present a persuasive power point presentation on their own topic (visual and written) collected for Expert-Project Fridays.


-Students will write a researched argument paper using the texts collected from Expert-Project Fridays.

 Students will use MLA Guidelines including citations and footnotes.


**First timed Free Response Essay (Question 1)


Rationale: Students will become experts on a controversial topic of contemporary interest.


**First three Expert-Project Fridays completed.



Weeks #6-8

  •  Tone (Diction and Syntax):
  •  Tone as a tool of Persuasion/Argument:  Satire and Exposition

 Students read a variety of texts.  Students will write an essay on the author’s tone and purpose.    

 Students will discuss satire and exposition.  After reading two different texts, they will contrast

        Tone and purpose in the two texts. They will write a 2-page compare/contrast paper.


Rationale:  These activities will help students identify the relationship between an author’s overall tone and meaning of the text.


-Helping students craft Rhetorical Analysis using analysis of Tone, Diction, Syntax


-Students read and annotate two texts.  Students write sentences analyzing diction, syntax and tone.  Sentences will be collected and typed anonymously and distributed to class to pick the top 5 examples. 


Rationale:  This activity will be used throughout the year to help students generate effective rhetorical analysis by describing elements of rhetoric and using examples as evidence.


**Second Timed Free Response Essay (Compare/Contrast)


Rationale: To practice writing compare/contrast to sharpen skills of close reading, critical thinking and rhetorical analysis.


**Four Expert-Project Fridays completed.

**One Infomercial completed..


Weeks #9-10

  • Grammar Review: Students need for grammar review is now apparent.  After a short diagnostic test, we will address the fundamentals of grammar in a variety of texts.  Students will work independently and in groups to identify elements of grammar.  They will identify “Vocabulary Threads” in various texts and then create and present concepts to the class using examples and visuals.


Rationale: Building students’ mastery of grammar fundamentals improves reading and writing skills.


Weeks #11-13

  • **First complete Practice Exam administered
  • Students take the complete AP English Language and Composition Released Exam over a series of periods.  I will score the exam and once they are returned, students will try to correct the incorrect answers.  I score again, and students make a second attempt at correction.  We will then go over the multiple choice in class.  Students will identify words in the exam (MC and Free Response) which are also on the “Vocabulary Threads.”


  • For a week students do practice scoring of 3 Free Response Questions.  After practice scoring an essay, they attempt to score their own. I then assign a true score.


Rationale: Students have an opportunity to internalize the scoring guide and self-evaluate their writing. 


**Three Final Expert-Project Fridays completed.

**Second Infomercial completed.


Weeks #14-17

  • Argument and Persuasion

**Third timed Free Response Essay (Students will write in class on Question 2; Students will be instructed to write on the topic of their Expert Project.  Students will revise this timed writing into a 3-page argument paper.)


Rationale: Students practice supporting an argument with appropriate evidence.


  • Practice using “Assertions” and “Appropriate Evidence” Students will read and annotate an essay/article.  In small groups of 3, students determine the main argument or thesis and list appropriate evidence to support assertions.  Students will note the evidence provided for the counter argument.  Students will prioritize the author’s evidence from least effective to most effective.  (see syllabus)


 Rationale: Students will discern between generalization, assertion, and “appropriate evidence.”


  • Logos, Pathos, Ethos Students will review definitions of logos, pathos, ethos and how these terms have been used in readings thus far (Term Cards).  For homework, students will read an article.  In class, students will write a rough-draft analysis of the author’s use of logos, pathos, ethos, for evidence to persuade the reader.  Peer editing/second draft/type.


Rationale: Students have an opportunity to do close reading and critical analysis of an author’s evidence to support an argument.


**Third Infomercial completed.


-Reading Over Christmas Break


-Students are required to read a work of fiction or non-fiction based on an issue of social or political concern.  The students must keep a chapter by chapter journal detailing the author’s rhetorical strategies and/or arguments used to accomplish purpose.


-Students will note at least 3 new vocabulary threads in each chapter.


-When the students return to school, they turn in the journal for a grade and are prepared to write a an in-class essay on the book.



Rationale: This opportunity for independent reading allows students time to practice concepts of argument and rhetorical analysis.


Weeks #18-19

  • Journals and Essays from Reading During the Break: Students will review their reading and journal-keeping from the break.  The in-class writing prompt on these sources will require students to draw from the skills of analysis and argument covered in the first 17 weeks of the class.


Weeks #20-23

  • Rhetorical Analysis of Visual Texts:
  • Rhetorical Analysis of a Photo
  • Rhetorical Analysis of a Political Cartoon
  • Rhetorical Analysis of a Painting
  • Rhetorical Analysis of an Advertisement
  • Students will orally practice the above skills using overheads and handouts for each, working in groups and then as individuals.  For each analysis students will employ “Vocabulary Threads.”
  • Students will bring in samples of photos, political cartoons, paintings and advertisements (some stand alone and some related to texts) to swap with peers and do in class writings of rhetorical analysis.
  • Students will choose one in-class product to revise to a formal 2-page paper


Rationale: Students learn to analyze how graphics and visual images both relate to written texts and serve as alternative forms of text themselves. (CB Evaluation Guidelines)


Weeks #24-25

  • Synthesis Essay and Citation
  • Students review the rules, codes and purposes of citation
  • Students practice the sample College Board multiple choice questions dealing with footnotes and citation
  • Using overheads of footnotes from multiple choice questions, students will take quizzes identifying the parts of a footnote.
  • Using excerpts from a teacher-selected essay, students will analyze the value of footnotes and endnotes.  Students will investigate how footnotes and endnotes illuminate and explicate a text.
  • Students will bring to class a book-length text related to their Expert-Project Friday topic which demonstrates the value of extensive footnotes and endnotes.
  • Students will give an in-class, 2-3 minute oral presentation of the value of footnotes and endnotes using one example from their book.
  • For homework, students will write a one-page review of their author’s use of footnotes and endnotes to augment the text.


Rationale: Students receive training and experience in understanding the purpose and value of footnotes and endnotes and how they enrich a text.


**Fourth timed free response essay: Students will write the College Board sample Synthesis Essay

**Students create page 1 of a synthesis essay using their Expert-Project topics.


Weeks #26-27

  • Poetry and Argument
  • Students will read selected poems.  They will write explicate it and write a short analysis of the argument of the poem which they will present to the class, and then receive class/teacher feedback.
  • They will write a one and half page argument paper for a grade.


Weeks #28-29

  • Synthesis Essay and Second Complete Practice Exam
  • Students complete a replica of the College Board Sample Synthesis Prompt based on their texts (visual and written) from the Expert-Project Fridays.  Peers choose the top 3 prompts.


**Students write their fifth timed free response essay: an in-class synthesis essay on one of the chosen prompts.


Weeks #30-31

  • Close Reading and Writing Practice
  • Students read fiction and non-fiction selections from prose masters and practice close reading skills by writing multiple choice questions on one of the texts, doing a rhetorical analysis of one, crafting a compare/contrast essay on two, and writing an argument paper agreeing, disagreeing, or qualifying the argument of one of these writers.
  • Students will use Vocabulary Threads and Terms Cards to complete the exercises above.  Writing activities are one page and will be shared and critiqued in reading groups, and then submitted for a grade.  The multiple choice questions are shared with the class for peer evaluation.


 Rationale:  Practice of skills learned in the course serves as reinforcement of skills as well as practice for the exam.


Weeks #32-33

  • Review of Literature from the Greeks to Contemporary
  • Chronological thematic and content review of literature from the prerequisite material as well as material covered in the current year. Students create chronological posters and write short in-class prompts on thematic topics.


Week #34

  • Third Complete Practice Exam (optional) and Review
  • Possibly an afterschool, 3-hour practice exam.
  • In class, students do annotations and outlines of mini-writes based on past Free Response questions.
  • Students review Vocabulary Threads and Term Cards as well as rhetorical strategies of analysis, exposition, argument and synthesis.


Rationale: Students review and practice various close reading skills and writing modes in preparation for the AP English Language Exam.


Weeks #35-37

  • The AP English Language and Composition Exam
  • Power Point Presentations
  • Final Researched Argument Paper
  • After the exam, students use class time to present power point presentations on the Expert-Project Friday topic and craft (with final peer editing session in groups of three checking citation and format) their final researched argument paper. The 5-page argument paper will be written in MLA format.



Paper Format:

  1. Papers should be neat.  They should be written in pencil or pen.  Acceptable ink colors are blue and black.
  2. All papers must have the correct heading which includes in the right corner above the title line: first and last name, period, and date.
  3. The title of the papers should be on the title line centered in the middle of the line.



-Assignments will be graded using general class rubrics (writing, reading, homework, etc.). and AP rubrics designed for specific assignments. Assignments will also be graded using an A, B, C, D, F scale.  Some in-class assignments will be graded Pass/No Pass.  Grades will be posted on the electronic grading system: Schoology:  90-100%=A, 80-89%=B, 70-79%=C, 60-69%=D, 0-59%=F


Class work:

-All work in class counts towards your report card grades –this includes written work, group work, and oral participation.



- Homework is due the following school day unless otherwise stated. (REFER TO WEBSITE IF ABSENT.)


Late work: Late classwork or homework will result in the grade being lowered by 10% for each day that it is determined late.  Thus, an assignment earning an “A” when turned in one-day late and with a perfect score, will receive a “B.”   An assignment turned in two days late will lose 20% and so on…


Work Habits: “E”, “S”, and “U” are based on coming to class on time (3 tardies in one grading period results in a “U”) and doing all classwork and homework.


Cooperation: “E”, “S”, and “U” are based on following the class rules listed below daily.


Other Graded Assignments:

Quizzes, Exams, Projects, Presentations





Class Rules:

  1. Be on time
  2. Bring supplies and materials to do class work.
  4. Ask for permission.
  5. Listen carefully.
  6. Eat, drink, chew gum, and groom oneself (do makeup, eyebrows, hair) outside of class.




----------------------------------------------------------        ------------------------------

Teacher Signature                                                      Date



_______________________________________        ____________________

Student Signature                                                       Date


_______________________________________         ____________________        __________________         ______________

Parent Signature                                                         Date                                        Phone                                   E-mail




(Syllabus Reference: Carol Elsen, UCLA Extension)






Advanced Sheltered ELD



Syllabus: ADV English Language Development (ELD) 1 & 2


Ms. Shipp

Roybal Learning Center

213-580-6400/ Email: als5375@lausd.net

Website: EnglishTeachShipp.EducatorPages.com (DAILY HOMEWORK POSTINGS)


Textbooks: Readers Handbook, Write Source; (in addition: Novels, Supplementary Resources)


Required Materials:

  1. 3-Ring Notebook: (English Section and clean paper.  The notebook must be kept in order and be especially neat for notebook checks.)
  2. Class Portfolio (the portfolio must be kept in order)
  3. Pens/pencils.

Course Description: The purpose of Advanced ELD is to provide Long Term English Learners, with the skills and content knowledge to increase their current ELD level and meet ELPAC and Reading Inventory reclassification requirements. The course’s academic emphasis is on oral language development, accelerated academic vocabulary acquisition, expository writing, and reading comprehension with the use of California ELD Standards and California Common Core English Language Arts (CCSS) Standards. Students learn organizational and study skills and learn to develop their critical thinking.


The LAUSD LTEL (Long Term English Language Leaner) Framework will be used to guide instruction. Students will: • Engage in learning tasks that promote academic language in listening, speaking, reading and writing through both independent and collaborative work • Complete extensive reading assignments • Use reading and writing strategies and processes to accomplish a variety of intellectually challenging tasks that promote higher-level thinking • Reflect on language development and growth toward academic goals • Build academic and personal resiliency (reference: LAUSD MMED: Multilingual and Multicultural Ed. Dept.)


Major Activities: California English Language Development (ELD) Standards:





1.  Exchanging information/ideas

2.  Interacting via written English

3.  Supporting opinions, persuading others

4.  Adopting language choices


5.  Listening actively

6.  Reading/viewing closely

7.  Evaluating language choices

8.  Analyzing language choices


9.  Presenting

10. Writing

11. Justifying/arguing

12. Selecting language choices



a) Structuring cohesive texts (writing)

b) Expanding and enriching ideas (verb use)

c) Connecting and condensing ideas (syntax; sentence structure)


Paper Format:

  1. Papers should be neat.  They should be written in pencil or pen.  Acceptable ink colors are blue and black.
  2. All papers must have the correct heading which includes in the right corner above the title line: first and last name, period, and date.
  3. The title of the papers should be on the title line centered in the middle of the line.



-Assignments will be graded using general class rubrics (writing, reading, homework, etc.) and rubrics designed for specific assignments. Assignments will also be graded using an A, B, C, D, F scale.  Some in-class assignments will be graded Pass/No Pass. Assignment Weights on Report Cards are Classwork 30%, Writing/Journals 30%. Quizzes 15%, Tests 15%, Homework 10%. (Grading Scale: 90-100%=A, 80-89%=B, 70-79%=C, 60-69%=D, 50-59%=F)


Class work:

-All work in class counts towards student report card grades –this includes written work, group work, and oral participation.



-Homework is due the following day unless otherwise stated. Extra Credit will also be assigned. 


Late work: Late homework for full credit is only accepted from students who were absent the previous day.  Non-absent students who do not do homework can turn in work and lose 10% for each day late or they will have the option of doing Extra Credit as made available.


Other Graded Assignments:

Quizzes, Exams, Projects, Presentations


Class Rules:

  1. Be on time
  2. Bring supplies and materials to do class work.
  3. Turn off and put away all electronics.
  4. Ask for permission.
  5. Listen respectfully.
  6. Eat, drink, chew gum, groom oneself (do makeup, eyebrows, hair), and use electronics OUTSIDE of class.


____________________________       ______________

Student Signature                                             Date                                                 


__________________________________        _________________  ________________  _____________          

Parent Signature                                               Date                            Phone                        Email                                                


_____________________________      _______________

Teacher: Ms. Shipp (ELD/ENGLISH)            Date