Contemporary composition (English 11)

12th-Grade Final Essay

Prompt:  Write an autobiographical “frame story” (a story within a story) about an important event in your life as shown in the story “Everything Stuck to Him” by Raymond Carver on pages 781-786 of Perspectives.  The frame story has two stories—an outside story at the beginning and end and an internal story framed by the outside story.  The internal story takes place in another time and place from the outside story.  The internal story is also the more important story.  The internal story must have setting, conflict, characters, a climax, and a resolution.  The narrators of the outside and inside stories can be different.


Due Friday, June 1.  2 pages typed.  Double spaced, size 12 font, Times New Roman.



Homework, April 3, 2018

1.  Write a 3-paragraph essay in which you make an argument for why a traveler should visit the Dominican Republic instead of Los Angeles.  Include 3 facts from the "Fast Facts" sheet.  Your writing should demonstrate your familiary with Los Angeles. 

2.  Highlight the thesis statement, the 3 DR facts, and one mention of Los Angeles.

3.  This is a formal essay.  Do not use informal pronouns "you" and "I."

4.  One page/front-back/skip lines.



March 12 and 19


“Farewell to Manzanar”

Page 706-8

  1.  Latrine (noun)- toilet
  2. Issei (noun) – first-generation Japanese-American immigrant
  3. Exile (verb) – to separate
  4. Leper (noun) – a person with a skin disease
  5.  Allegiance (noun) – loyalty
  6. Forswear (verb) – to reject
  7. Haul (verb) – to pull; to drag
  8. Makeshift (adjective) – temporary; prepared quickly
  9. Oath (noun) – promise
  10. Barracks (noun) – military living area
  11. Concoction (noun) – a strange mixture of ingredients
  12. Sniffle (verb) – to cry quietly
  13. Bunk (noun) – an army bed
  14. Submissive (adjective) – not resistant


Homework, March 5, 2018

1. Page 715 Write It:  Write a short narrative of an event from your childhood.  Use first person point of view to tell your story.

2.  1 page/front-back/skip lines

3.  Due: Wednesday


Homework - Feb. 20, 2018

1.  Choose 10 vocabulary words.  Write 2 sentences for each of the 10 words = 20 sentences total.

2.  Sentences should be high-school level sentences -- at least 11 words long.

3.  Due: Friday, Feb. 23

“Farewell to Manzanar”

Page 706

  1.  Latrine (noun)- toilet
  2. Issei (noun) – first-generation Japanese-American immigrant
  3. Exile (verb) – to separate
  4. Leper (noun) – a person with a skin disease

Page 707

  1.  Allegiance (noun) – loyalty
  2. Forswear (verb) – to reject
  3. Haul (verb) – to pull; to drag
  4. Makeshift (adjective) – temporary; prepared quickly
  5. Oath (noun) – promise
  6. Barracks (noun) – military living area
  7. Concoction (noun) – a strange mixture of ingredients
  8. Sniffle (verb) – to cry quietly
  9. Bunk (noun) – an army bed

Page 708

  1. Submissive (adjective) – not resistant



Homework - Feb 12, 2018

1.  Image Analysis: Japanese Internment Camps

2.  How is the image related/connected to the concept of racism?

3.  1 page/front-back/skip lines

4.  Due Wed., Feb. 14


Homework - Feb. 5, 2018

1.  Fear: an emotional response (based on reality) which helps us to survive

2.  Phobia: an unnecessary fear about something that probably won't cause harm (i.e., clowns)

3.  Question for homework: What would happen if the person taking the Questionnaire didn't know the difference between fear and phobia?  Write one page, front/back, skip lines.

4.  Due Wed., Feb. 7


Homework-Jan. 16, 2018

  1.  “Fears in Early Childhood”
  2. If you were a parent, which fear from the article do you think you would have the most difficulty helping your child to overcome? Why?
  3. Write one page, front/back, skip lines.
  4. Due Thursday, Jan. 18



January 11, 2018


“Fears in Early Childhood”

  1.  Read the article.
  2. Which fears are cited (mentioned) as common childhood fears.  Write a list of those fears on the FRONT OF YOUR PAPER.
  3. Write one paragraph on the BACK OF YOUR PAPER that argues which childhood fear you think is the most common and why.  Skip lines.  Write to the bottom.
  4. DUE: Tuesday, January 16.
  5. BRING ARTICLE on Tuesday for credit.



Nov. 15


1.  Perspectives, p. 257 (1-3) on lined paper




Oct. 20, 2017



Contemporary Composition – English 11

  1.  Read page 218, paragraph #2 (“I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately…”
  2. Describe, in your own words, how Thoreau wants to live.
  3. Write one page/front/skip lines.



Oct. 16, 2017

1.  Complete "Nature" essay


Sept. 25, 2017


1.  Study vocabulary words 1-8 for quiz.


“An American Identity”


Page 148

  1.  Colleague (noun) – a friend
  2. Purchase (verb) – to buy
  3. Corps (noun) – a group
  4. Settler (noun) – a person who lives in new territory
  5. Foster (verb) – to create
  6. Usher (verb) – to bring
  7. Shift (verb) – to move
  8. Emerge (verb) – to come out

Page 149

  1.  Manifest (verb) – to show
  2. Settle (verb) – to live in new territory
  3. Pioneer (noun) – a person who lives in new territory
  4. Upsurge (noun) – growth
  5. Trail (noun) – a road
  6. Perish (verb) – to die
  7. Trek (noun) - a walk
  8. Settlement (noun) – taking away land from other people

Page 150

  1. Ply (verb) – to cross
  2. Lure (noun) – an attraction
  3. Bond (noun) – a connection
  4. Cloth (noun) – fabric; material
  5. Boom (verb) – to grow
  6. Buoy (verb) – to support
  7. Temperance (noun) – limitations on drinking alcohol
  8. Emancipation (noun) – liberation
  9. Entrenched (adjective) – made normal
  10. Preach (verb) – to speak religiously
  11. Fugitive (noun) – a person who runs away
  12. Flee (verb) – to run away
  13. Tumultuous (adjective) – uncertain
  14. Backlash (noun) – reaction
  15. Ensue (verb) – to happen
  16. Quash (verb) – to stop




Sept. 20, 2017


1.  Page 144 (on LINED PAPER)


Sept. 19, 2017


1.  Page 121 (1-5)



Sept. 15, 2017


1. Page 57

Extra Credit:

2.  Page 58, Media




Sept. 11, 2017

1.  Page 52: Read/Write definitions (left), explanations (right) for propaganda, appeal, symbolism.

2.  Write on lined paper.



SEPT, 8, 2107


1. Page 23 (1-3)




Sept. 7, 2017


1.  Read "Bill of Rights," pages 31-33

2.  Answer questions 1-3.  TEAR OUT PAGE



HOMEWORK - Sept. 5

1.  Page 26 (Concept Vocab: 1 and 2; Word Study: 1 and 2)

2.  Tear out page


EXTRA CREDIT, AUG., 31, 2017

1.  PAGE 25: Write Appeals and their definitions.

2. Answer: Questions 1 and 3.  Write the question and the answer.

3. Due: Tues., Sept. 5, 2017


HOMEWORK, AUG. 30, 2017

PAGE 23 (1-3)



Writing Freedom

Vocabulary, page 5

  1.  Confirm (verb) – to make firm; to establish; to state that something is true
  2. Demonstrate (verb) – to show; to present; to explain
  3. Supplement (verb) – to add something additional
  4. Establish (verb)- to prove; to demonstrate
  5. Conviction (noun) – the state of being convinced; having a firm belief


  1.  Study vocabulary for a quiz on Tuesday, Aug. 29
  2. Go to WIKIQUOTE.ORG.  In the type right corner where it says SEARCH WIKIQUOTE, type in FREEDOM.  Find a topic about freedom that interests you.  On the INTERNET, find an article about that topic and print the article.  DO NOT PRINT FROM WIKIQUOTE.  WIKIQUOTE does not have articles.  Read the article.  Write a one-page summary of the article (front/back; skip lines).  Staple the summary to the article.  Due, Tuesday, Sept. 5)






1.  Prepare Binder for Binder Check, Friday, August 25.